The Best Home Design for Your Future
Vara always believes that Home Design in Nepal is more than great functionality and beautiful aesthetics combined with nature . Our aim is to make your home design a reflection of personality with social respect in Nepal . Home should be something that you and your family take pride in and love to spend time.
Design That Suits The Way You Live.
Our dedicated architects work with you tirelessly to tie your style with their design expertise, creating the perfect Home design in Nepal for our Clint.
प्रत्येकको जीवन शैली र भोगाईका अलग-अलग हुन्छ। आउनुहोस् तपाईंको शैली र भोगाईलाई हामी अझ सहज र सरल बनाउन सहयोग गर्ने छौं ।
Satisfying Minimal Designs.
Our designer always incorporates efficient projects , customized for clients requirements for Home Design in Nepal which is directly touched for client economize for project.
पैसा धेरै खर्च गरेर मात्र राम्रो हुन्छ भन्ने हाम्रो विचार गलत छ। खर्च त तब गरेको सन्तुष्ट मिल्छ जुन काममा सृजनात्मक र नौलोपन होस जुन हामी वाट मात्र सम्भव छ ।
Elegance in Every Elevation.
This is first time Home Design in Nepal start of conceptual design to the completion of the building project dedicated designers.
Copy/Paste को जमना छ । सस्तोमा नफस्नुहोस्। हामीलाई थाहा छ तपाईलाई सिर्जनात्मक डिजाइनरको आवश्यकता छ ।
Highly Minimalistic Design .
We know the immediate requirement of clients but also has strived to know the underlaying unsaid needs beyond the said wants.
डिजाइन यस्तो होस आवश्यकतानुसार होस र पुस्ता हस्तान्तरण गर्न लायकको होस । युग पुरानो होस तर डिजाइन नयाँ नै रहि रहोस।

Vastu Design
It’s not a religion but science that analysis the impact of Earth, water, wind, fire and space on our lives. It is believed to be the basis for sustaining life on earth.

Modern Design
Energy materials that are relatively cheap and affordable to produce.

Traditional Design
Our mostly design Traditional sense with a nice way to put the past history in your memory and showcase ancient scenes.
सपनामा घर होइन वनाएको घर सपना जस्तै होस् ।
Chabahil -7 Chuchepati Kathmandu NEPAL
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